HOME  MACHINE  SHOP . . .  LittleMachineShop - Tail Stock Turrets

             A tail stock turret allows mounting and quick selection of 6 tools in the tail stock.

             Any combination of cutters and drill bits may be used with the tail stock turret.

             The tail stock turret can save a lot of time and labor.

             The tail stock turret has 5/8" bores and will directly accept 5/8" tooling shanks.

             Most tooling and drill bits will require simple "home made" bushing adapters.

             The tail stock turret may also be used as a "tool post turret" by using either a 2MT

             or a 3MT tool holder on a quick change tool post!

              LiitleMachineShop - 3MT Tail Stock Turret

              LiitleMachineShop - 2MT Tail Stock Turret





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